Friday, January 10, 2014

MilkShape 3D 1.8.5 Beta 1 / 1.8.4 (Windows XP/7) Torrent

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Size: 12 mb
Files: 2
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Size: 12 Mb
Category: Science / CAD
Developer: chUmbaLum sOft


What is new: Added: vertex weight editor Added: vertex weight visualization in viewports Added: COLLADA exporter (no skeleton, skin, animation and physics yet) Added: vertex extra, can be used for color or other info Added: Ke (emissive) parameter for Wavefront OBJ files Added: made Subdivide 2 a build-in command and fixed texture coordinate problems Fixed: duplicate selection and regroup copy the group comments Fixed: correct initial camera values for plugins Fixed: tiny bug, which caused a crash in Regroup and Subdivide2 and maybe others Updated: SDK to 1.8.0 and file format spec Updated: The Sims 2 V4.07A plugins by Wes Howe Updated: DTSPlus! exporter for the Torque engine by Chris Robertson Updated: TCE can now show long group names

MilkShape 3D ma?? S polygon modeler, which i?? Start? ago was designed for Half-Life. By and by many file formats and features have been added. MilkShape 3D has all basic operations, such as?? Example SELECT, move, rotate, scale, extruding, turning the edges? Locations, distribution, just to name a few. MilkShape 3D also allows?? Licensure?? Low level of editing to the top? UNIUS tool and face. Standard and extended primitives like spheres, DE?? S, bottles, etc. are also available. MilkShape 3D skeleton computer. This allows?? Transform ia export target animation such as the Quake?? Io those forms or export to skeletal animations like Half-Life, Genesis3d, Unreal, supported file formats, etc. 3D Studio ASC Alias ​​FBX AutoCAD DXF Autodesk 3ds BioVision BVH Blitz Rafale basic 3D B3d C / C + +, on the other?? Te Call of Duty DirectX (JT) Doom 3 Elite Force MD5 Mesh Gamestudio A5 MDL Gamestudio MDL7 GenEdit generally 3DT America?? IMPRINT C: EHKO Genesis3D BDY Genesis3D 1.0 ACT 1.0 1.0 TA Genesis3D disables On This decompile Ghoul2 GLM model for Half-Life and Half-Life 2 Half-Life SMD MDL disables On This decompile Janes WWII fighters J3P Jedi Knight 3DO Kingpin MDX Lightwave 5.x / 6.x Lithium UnWrapper LithTech ABC V11, V12 (No One Lives Forever) MilkShape 3D MilkShape 3D ASCII MS3D Max Payne KF2/KFS / SKD Maya MCM2 SLT Medal of Honor Model Nebula Script Orge 3D engine Orbiter Mesh ASCII Playstation TMD POV-Ray 3.5 Q3Radiant CARD INC MDL Quake Quake II MD2 Quake III Arena MD3 RAW Triangles SM refractor 2 GRI?? into the Castle Wolfenstein MDC RenderMan RIB Roque Spear QOB Models Scene Described?? Write Format (SDF Shockwave w3d) Serious Sam Serious Sam MDL lions / SCR Serious Sam SKA Softimage | XSI Starfeelt Command / Star Trek Armada / Bridge Commander text SKN Movies The Sims The Sims 2 UniMesh moment?? game engine DTS finale Coaster Deluxe Unreal / UT 3D engine Unreal / UT Engine Skeletal Mesh PSC Vampire: The Masquerade nod after?? Iurii Experience Technology VRML1 VRML97 WRL WRL Warcraft III MDX Wavefront OBJ X3D Yafray

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