Sunday, November 10, 2013

Remove PowerPoint Password to Modify 2.5.12 (andris2000) Torrent

Seeds: 106Peers: 77

Size: 210 mb
Files: 3
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Size: 210 Mb
Category: Security|Decrypting & Decoding
Developer: Dombaj Soft

Features: Edit your password protected presentation and reuse its slides, pictures and other elements within minutes from reading this text. There is no need to try to re-create your presentation, loosing you valuable time. Passwords of any length and character set are supported and removed in seconds. Secure password removal without damages to the file + automatic backup. The software supports the PowerPoint 2007 file formats. Works on all MS Windows platforms including Windows 7.

What is new:

MS PowerPoint 2007 presentation files to change the password on any PowerPoint to change the password immediately remove rejected. To change the password of any length and character set support and removed in seconds. Software MS PowerPoint 2007 PPTX, pptm, ppsx, ppsm, potx and potm supports file formats. Yes, try to see what it's all about to change, remove PowerPoint password!

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